Meet James Horn

James is an Associate Director in the firm’s Employment Practice based in Cape Town. James joined the firm in 2013 and is an experienced attorney who has been involved in several high-profile matters relating to, amongst other things, violent strikes, community protest action, restraints of trade, equal work for equal pay and intra-union disputes. James also has experience in other African jurisdictions.

In addition to employment law matters James is an experienced general litigator who regularly assists clients with a variety of commercial disputes.

James has successfully acted for multi-national corporations, large South African companies and executive employees. He often presents training workshops and chairs disciplinary enquiries. He also enjoys appearing in the Labour Court and CCMA.

James is the author of a digital and freely available domestic worker compliance manual (Domestic DIY).

  • Discrimination and Harassment
  • Employment
  • Assisted a large client with a violent blockade of its premises by striking employees. Two strike-breaking interdicts were obtained and the persons identified as committing the violence were held in contempt of court. The underlying wage dispute was resolved on the client’s terms.
  • Represented a multinational company in an interest arbitration in relation to its essential service employees as well as in wage negotiations. The matter was resolved to the satisfaction of the client.
  • Represented a listed company in an investigation by forensic investigators into alleged fruitless and wasteful expenditure incurred as a result of a commercial agreement with a State-Owned Company. The matter was resolved in favour of the client.

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