Experience. Skills. Solutions.

Cowan-Harper-Madikizela is a boutique firm that is widely recognized as a leader in the provision of professional legal and advisory services. As a proudly Level 1 Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment contributor, we provide our clients with even greater value while ensuring personal and professional legal services.

What We Do

We provide our clients with personal and professional legal services with a particular focus on employment law, constitutional law, administrative, public law, risk, governance, commercial, corporate and compliance and general and commercial litigation.

Where We Work

We litigate in all of the major Courts, including the High Court, Labour Court, Labour Appeal Court, Supreme Court of Appeal, Constitutional Court and also international tribunals, such as the International Court of Arbitration and the Central China Economic Arbitration Forum.


Experience is the cornerstone of our firm. Our team is regularly involved in important and high profile matters across various fields of law. Our experience allows us to view matters from a unique perspective and to provide our clients with insight that they might not otherwise receive.


We pride ourselves on our ability to provide advice which is novel, practical and leads to the effective resolution of disputes. Where necessary, we work with industry experts in order to assist our clients in reaching a favourable outcome.


Our firm has consciously adopted a problem-solving approach in order to resolve disputes at the earliest opportunity on a cost-effective basis. Often the engagement with our clients involves proactive advice in order to avoid disputes from arising in the first instance.

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